Shreyas' Timeline
Undergrad (2013-2017)
Completed B.E. in Information Science at PESIT, Bangalore, India.
Internship at Inmobi (2015)
Worked as a big data intern for building advertisement solutions based on geo location.
Internship at Quicken (2016)
Worked as a software engineering intern for android team of quicken gaining hands-on experience in real world development.
Internship at Juniper Networks (2017)
Contributed to the Cloud team on building telemetry agent as an intern.
First Job - Ittiam Systems (2017-2019)
Worked as a Software Engineer focusing on building machine learning and backend solutions for Retail Analytics Platform.
Vymo (2019-2021)
Joined Vymo as a Software Engineer, specializing in building ML based backend services and solutions.
Grad Degree - Northeastern (2021-2023)
Pursued an MS in Computer Science at Northeastern University, Boston.
Internship at PayPal (2022)
Worked as a Software Engineering Intern in PayPal's building data pipeline for migrating application metric logs for over 100 applications.
Teaching Assistant (2022)
Served as a TA at Northeastern University, assisting students in Database and Mixed Reality.
PayPal - Senior Software Engineer (2023-Present)
Joined PayPal as a Senior Software Engineer and built multiple scalable cloud-native microservices that are used by 1000s of micro-services in the company.
YouTube & Podcasts (2024)
Started a YouTube channel and podcast discussing about varying interests.